Tuesday, July 22, 2008

with all my love

This post is dedicated to my loved ones, both friends and family, without whom I will not be who I am today. Okay, so it's not like I'm some accomplished millionaire right now but at least I'm not in jail or lying drunk on the streets somewhere - I think that's something to be thankful about.

I wish I AM some kind of accomplished millionaire, though. That way, I can help my mum pay off her bank loan for the house, help my loved ones who are going through financial troubles, buy my girl the best gifts, own a private jet with my own personal pilot to bring my family to the nicest places on earth, set up an R&D department in my company to design and make cool crime-fighting gadgets/vehicles/body-suits so I can be Batman.

On a more serious note, I need to take my fight on crime to an international level. The kingpins of crime in various countries need to be brought to justice and corrupt authorities should be overthrown. Instead of the bat-signal, I should give police chiefs of various countries (starting on a more regional level) a bat-pager - then they can simply page me.

As I said earlier, this post is dedicated to my loved ones, both friends and family, without whom I will not have such ambitious, glorious dreams. When I become Batman, I will not forget you all. (Especially you my baby, and don't worry, I'll tell you where I'm going and everything. Please don't stay up!)

1 comment:

Jacqueline said...

bat pager!
hee hee so funny